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Family Dentistry

Travel in Style: How To Care for Your Teeth While on Vacation | Wichita Dentists

Wichita Dentists
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With Spring Break upon us and warm weather on the horizon, now is the perfect time to plan your next vacation. When it comes to packing, festive outfits and bathing suits are probably at the top of your list, but you can’t forget about your teeth! Our team of Wichita dentists at Cambridge Family Dentistry understands the importance of good oral hygiene and has detailed how you can continue to care for your teeth while on vacation. Explore our comprehensive packing list below!

  • Toothbrush

    Just because you are on vacation does not mean you can take a break from your daily oral hygiene habits. Remember to pack your everyday toothbrush and avoid purchasing a last-minute disposable one from your hotel or local convenience store. If possible, pack your regular soft-bristled toothbrush with a cover to ward away any germs and bacteria while traveling! 

  • Toothpaste

    If you are traveling and don’t plan on checking your luggage, remember the guidelines and restrictions for carry-on items. You may only pack a tube of toothpaste with up to 3.4 ounces of product in your carry-on bag without risking confiscation. Do some planning ahead and purchase quality travel toothpaste before your trip.

  • Floss

    Perhaps the most dreaded part of your everyday dental hygiene routine, flossing is undoubtedly the most important! Make sure to add floss to your packing list to keep your smile healthy by flossing at least once a day. If you are worried about forgetting to floss while on vacation, make a point to floss after each meal to remove any built-up food particles.

  • Mouthwash

    Not only is mouthwash great for keeping your breath smelling minty fresh, but it can be a great way to kill germs and reduce bacteria in your mouth. Our Wichita dentists at Cambridge Family Dentistry recommend bringing a travel-size mouthwash on your vacation in case you need a quick refresh!

  • Sugarless Gum

    It’s no secret that chewing gum can help relieve ear pressure and reduce the sensation of ear-popping, but it’s also easy to overlook the consequences of chewing a pack of gum each time you travel. When consumed regularly, sugary gum can damage your teeth and ultimately lead to tooth decay. Avoid this by packing sugar-free chewing gum, so you can travel comfortably without jeopardizing your dental health.

  • Clean Water

    When traveling overseas, you may not have access to clean or safe drinking water. This is why it is important that you stay aware of local recommendations and only drink bottled water in certain third-world countries or areas where it is advised. If you are alerted to avoid drinking the local water, you should only brush your teeth with bottled water as well, and be careful of running your toothbrush under the faucet!

Disclaimer: The views expressed in all articles published on the Cambridge Family Dentistry website do not necessarily reflect the views of our staff members at Cambridge Family Dentistry.

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Are you ready to schedule an appointment with one of our Wichita dentists? At Cambridge Family Dentistry, we have team members looking forward to discussing your options. Contact us at (316) 687-2110 to schedule an appointment! 

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