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Family Dentistry

Our Secret to a Stress-Fee Smile: Tips for Reducing Dental Anxiety | Wichita Dentist

Wichita Dentist
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If you have a fear of going to the dentist, even for regular exams, it’s important to know you’re not alone! While dentophobia is very real, with nearly 40 percent of patients experiencing some sort of anxiety prior to dental appointments, there are a few simple practices you can try to reduce your dental anxiety. At Cambridge Family Dentistry, our Wichita dentists treat countless patients each week and have detailed how to help overcome your fear of the dentist. Check out our favorite tips below!

  • Communicate With Your Dentist

    When it comes to dental work, communicating with your dentist is key! Understandably, many patients don’t want to draw attention to their anxieties or fears, but by speaking with your dentist and dental hygienist beforehand about your concerns, they can better provide adequate care during your appointment. If anything becomes uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to alert your dentist, even if this means raising your hand to signal you need a break. Our Wichita dentists at Cambridge Family Dentistry are here to ensure you receive proper care and will allow you as much time as you need before continuing. If your anxiety is more severe, requesting oral sedatives or nitrous oxide may be appropriate to help when undergoing a more in-depth procedure.

  • Use Meditation and Mindfulness Techniques

    Reduce your stress and promote calmness with simple meditation and breathing exercises. Anxiety can often worsen while sitting in the waiting room before you even get situated in the dental chair. In this case, try deep breathing exercises by counting your breaths, inhaling slowly and exhaling for the same number of counts. Repeat this five times before your appointment and during short breaks throughout the check-up. You can also try doing a body scan, concentrating on relaxing your muscles one area at a time. Begin by focusing on the tension in your forehead, working your way down to your cheeks, neck, and the rest of your body. Make a conscious effort to release any remaining tension. If the sounds of medical tools such as drills make this difficult or continue to induce added anxiety, our Wichita dentists recommend bringing headphones and listening to your favorite podcast, audiobook, or music to distract yourself!

  • Bring a Friend or Family Member

    We’re no strangers to the buddy system. If you’re still nervous about visiting the dentist yourself, consider bringing a friend or family member for moral support! Sometimes, having somebody you know can help ease your nerves and provide an added distraction during your visit. Before entering the exam room, be sure to ask if your visitor is approved to enter the room with you. If not, it is still helpful to know that your loved one is in the next room waiting for you!

Disclaimer: The views expressed in all articles published on the Cambridge Family Dentistry website do not necessarily reflect the views of our staff members at Cambridge Family Dentistry.

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